Looking for Counselling or Psychotherapy  Services?  Check out my Person Centred Counselling site here: RT Counselling

Now offering Parts Therapy

 - We are all made up of multiple and differing parts.
 - Parts therapy is essentially about resolving internal conflicts within all of us. By resolving inner conflicts, clients may no longer feel ‘stuck’.
 - The objective is the two parts (the motivating part and the sabotaging part) in conflict reach a positive outcome through discussion  and ultimately resolution with one another.

Find out more by Contacting me on - info@nextchaptertherapies.co.uk / 07793144403 for a free consultation.

Phobias and General Health

Overcoming Phobias

Phobias are an irrational fear of something that stems from our subconscious much like anxiety does. Phobias are often acute fears. Fear induced by phobias can be treated very effectively by the intervention of a therapist, but a true phobia will need to be worked on with some uncovering techniques. Hypnotherapy can be used as a form of uncovering technique as can counselling and psychotherapy.  
When I treat somebody with a phobia I use information within the suggestions to implant into the client’s imagination a scenario whereby they encounter their fear but with a sense of control over it. This enables you to gain some perspective over the phobia and begin to see it in a realistic light as opposed to an irrational one. In turn this reverses the phobia by normalising it.  In this sense, hypnotherapy works by accessing the underlying cause of the phobia and eliminating the client’s conditioned response to the impulse behind the anxiety.  
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