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Now offering Parts Therapy

 - We are all made up of multiple and differing parts.
 - Parts therapy is essentially about resolving internal conflicts within all of us. By resolving inner conflicts, clients may no longer feel ‘stuck’.
 - The objective is the two parts (the motivating part and the sabotaging part) in conflict reach a positive outcome through discussion  and ultimately resolution with one another.

Find out more by Contacting me on - info@nextchaptertherapies.co.uk / 07793144403 for a free consultation.

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking Now!

We all know that smoking is bad for our health, yet many smokers continue to smoke. If you are a smoker you find yourself saying things like - "I'll stop one day, right now just isn't the right time for me", or even worse, "my nan smoked every day and she lived to well past 80". These excuses are ultimately when your subconscious mind has convinced your conscious mind that it is okay to smoke. Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation works by overriding these sub-conscious thoughts and bringing the sensible rational into the conscious mind more powerfully. It enables you to stop because the idea of smoking as a dangerous, life-threatening, and increasingly anti-social addiction becomes more prevalent than the excuses to continue smoking. It ultimately changes your thought process so that you beat the habit for the rest of your life.  
You have probably tried all other approaches, such as nicotine patches, gum or spray. You might have tried vaping to replace the habit. You may have seen a doctor who has prescribed you with Champix or Zyban. The problem with the nicotine supplements and vaping are you are still getting the nicotine, the substance that makes smoking addictive. Many smokers find they can resist cigarettes whilst they have the nicotine supplements, but as soon as they try to stop using them, or run out of the expensive supply, they revert to smoking. Vaping is a good alternative and now encouraged as a way to wean yourself away from smoking. However, there is no scientific evidence that this too can be damaging to your health. Champix and Zyban are known to have such hideous side-effects that people simply stop using them and go back to smoking.  
In your smoking cessation session, I offer a comprehensive approach. Prior to the hypnotherapy, we do a full assessment of your habitual tendencies, exploring in detail the when and where you smoke most to identify alternatives. We discuss the health implications as well as the health benefits after stopping. I provide a summary of the hypnotherapy process too so that you know what to expect and so I can be aware of any individual circumstances. Each session is tailored to your specific requirements and preferences. We then do the hypnotherapy session and once we are finished you leave a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life. 
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